Nile Care, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization founded in 2007 and 501(c) July 2009 by people from West Nile region of Uganda living in the USA and Canada.
Our aim is to unite the people of West Nile and their friends, to address the challenges of living in North American and Canada and to help in the alleviation of developmental challenges of the people of West Nile.

Empowering women with scholarships to good
secondary schools and supporting the girls
through advocacy and mentoring
Our Mission
The mission of Nile Care, Inc. is to find and bring all the people of West Nile living in North America into Nile Care, Inc., to identify the challenges they face living in North America and together, to endeavor to address the challenges in order to better their lives.
We are further called to, together, look at the developmental challenges facing the people of West Nile back home-Education, Health, Poverty, Environmental degradation, Women empowerment etc.- and create and implement programs to endeavor to alleviate them.
Nile Care CBO in Arua

Nile Care, Inc. is now a fully registered Community-based Organization (CBO)
in West Nile. This gives us legitimacy to solicit funds from International Education Funders. It also allows us to be considered locally for funding between local NGO’s.
The new Nile Care, Inc. CBO office is in KKT Plaza, immediately west of Arua Market. While we do have an office with furniture, we are yet to provide Telephone and Computer services. Help us fund these expenses and donate.

Our Vision
The vision of Nile Care, Inc. is that all the people from West Nile region of Uganda living in USA and Canada and their friends will work together in unity and brotherhood to better themselves here in the Americas and together, find solutions to the challenges of living in North America; and through their organization, Nile Care, Inc. they will give voice to the voiceless, empower the downtrodden, and be the agents of change for the betterment of the people of West Nile, Uganda.